Anyone doing any recon up hyalite this wekend (the 20 and 21st)?

Submitted by jeepnphreak on Thu, 11/18/2010 - 19:35

If any one is headed up hyalite to do any recon, could you post a trip repor?   I hoping that the ice will be comming along nicely with this prodicted cold weather moveing in.

The dramatic recent temperature drop is doing wonders for ice.  Most lines were unclimbable 10 days ago but are good to go now.

Be advised that as of Sat Nov. 20 at 5 pm the road had not been plowed beyond the dam.  Be prepared of old school Hyalite Road-eo conditions.

Climbed Twin Falls - Right on Saturday 11/20.  Formed, but lots of unconsolidated ice and snow between the steeper sections. About two feet of powder to dig through in some spots. TF-Left sounded looked good, but sounded like it could use more time to really form solidly.  Cleopatra's Needle was in, touching all the way on left side. 

We sure earned that climb after slogging through all the fresh snow. Be prepared. Met some other guys headed up Mummy II, but didn't meet back up after. 

No more recon - go climb!