The Gully(s)

Submitted by Josh Mohler on Thu, 10/19/2006 - 14:22 getting colder, wetter, and did I mention colder? I should be typing a paper on the pedagogical approach to language arts as craft, but all I can think of is the upcoming ice season. Right around this time is when I generally jump the gun and climb/bushwhack for hours and thousands of vertical for some wet ice that I never find or just simply give up on because it?s impossibly far away. I'm talking specifically about Mount Brown. Has anyone been up in the area, seen little blue streaks from the road, or am I about 2-3 weeks ahead of the curve. I'm due for some "gun jumping" and am looking for an excuse to head north to the valley and GNP. Missoula is no Glacier Park, for which there is no substitute. Have there been any positive sightings? thanks