$1,000 "Winter Adventure Grant"

Submitted by Colorado Steve on Wed, 09/08/2010 - 12:03
Hello Fellow Climbers,
My Company, Summit Sealants Inc., is proud to be able to offer the 1st of an annual grant to encouarage winter exploration of the mountain ranges of the Continental US. It will be awarded as one $1,000.00 or 2 $500.00 grants. I will accept applications through Dec 31,2010. Grants must be used within 6 months.
The criteria is as follows:
1. Must be 18 years of age or older
2.Objective(s) must be in Continental US.
3. Considered will be exploratory nature, history of region, first ascent or significant enchainment, remoteness.
4. All objectives must have significant winter implications (snow, alpine ice, water ice). The teams style will be considered.
Please electonically provide the following information.
1. Your name, address, age, phone #, email address
2. Team members names, experience, and what each climber feels their top 3 climbs are to date.
3. Appox. budget needed for trip and expected use of grant (gear, food, travel, permits). Please state if you feel you need the complete $1,000.00 or if you are applying for a $500.00 grant.
4.Objective desciption. Include pictures, route, expected iterary.
5. What photo or video documentation do you plan to use.
 Responsibilites of recipient:
If awarded these guidelines must be followed.
1. All necessary permits or land use regulations will be followed.
2. A 18"X18" lightweight banner of Summit Sealant Inc. will be mailed with check. 3 quality banner photos, including summit or top of route shot, and crux shot (not with banner) must be submitted to Summit Sealants Inc. with in 2 months of returning. Summit Sealants Inc. will own the right to these photos.
3. If for any reason the submitted plans are changed or cancelled the funds will be returned in full.
4. If any slide shows or presentations arise from this outing, recipient will mention grant.

Please send Applications to steve@summitsealants.com